Duration: 24 months | 75 Credits
RVOE: DOC111201
Clave: D.G.P. 279613
Lun - Vie 08:00am - 08:00pm
Duration: 24 months | 75 Credits
RVOE: DOC111201
Clave: D.G.P. 279613
UNICEPES offers society scientific and professional training to achieve the highest academic degree: Doctor in a research pathway.
This PhD program provides a profile oriented to professional research and has an excellent academic level and a flexible and tailored curricular design that allows doctors and PhD students to obtain the adequate preparation for their interests and global progress.
The objective of this program is to train doctors who contribute to the human, scientific and technological development of society.
The main goal of this program is to train a new generation of researchers and educators who contribute to the human, scientific and technological development of society.
To do this PhD you need:
The student will become a specialist in applied teaching. In an expert in research and development of new techniques and methodologies adapted to the current needs of any educational field.
Doctoral programs have a profile oriented to professional research and have an excellent academic level and a flexible with a tailored curricular design that allows researchers to obtain the necessary preparation within their research pathway to respond to the rising needs from the current challenges of our societies in different countries. Doctoral programs allow PhD learners to study a tailor-made educational program in distance learning. This is an educational strategy that allows doctoral student to carry out their self-paced online doctoral studies according to the time and place of their research, with permanent support and orientation form tutors and thesis supervisors through the new Information and technologies tools. The curricular design and academic monitoring of the program being studied is supervised by highly experienced academics. The study program articulates the desired line of research, the thesis project to be carried out, the prior training of each person, and their interests. The PhD Secretariat office will provide all support during the application process and will help you to assist in any issue regarding academic and administrative subjects of the program.
Doctoral programs are supported by major United States universities, Latin America, and Europe, converging researchers from different continents in a continuous and smooth exchange of knowledge between professors and researchers. Furthermore, CEPES transfers its important intellectual and technological capital to enrich the doctoral program with study material, a Virtual Campus, and a network of researchers, professors, and professionals from more than 50 universities and organizations.
The estimated duration of the Doctorate program is 1200 hours, 75 credits, 2 years (1 credit = 16 hrs.). Distributed in the following phases:
The estimated duration of the Doctorate program is 1200 hours, 75 credits, 2 years (1 credit = 16 hrs.). Distributed in the following phases:
Phase | Credits | Hours |
Total | 75 | 1200 |
Phase 1: Tutoring | 8 | 128 |
Phase 2: Teaching | 27 | 432 |
Phase 3: Research | 24 | 384 |
Fase 4: Realización de Tesis | 16 | 256 |
In each phase the student must meet the credit requirements established by each university and set by the Doctorate Committee.
Once the student has completed his study program and passed all his subjects and doctoral thesis he or she will be evaluated by the evaluation board committee. If the student has fulfilled all the academic, administrative, and economic requirements established in the management procedures set by the university or universities for which you want to obtain the academic degree, then the student will obtain a degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Project management.
Mexican nationals
International students
Salazar Norte # 26, Col. Cuauhtémoc, C.P. 61506
Heroica Zitácuaro
Michoacán, MX
Tel. 01 800 002 3737
Email: contacto@unicepes.edu.mx
Office Lima – Peru
The Center for Innovation and Sustainability
Admissions Office for Online education
Andromeda MzB, Block 20
Tel.: +51 902 019 181
Whatsapp: +51 902 019 181
Email: programs@cinnova.org
The Center for Innovation and Sustainability
International programs
ARS – East Legon, Accra
Tel.: +51 902 019 181
Email: programs@cinnova.org
In addition to the online Ph. D. program, UNICEPES and The Center for Innovation and Sustainability offer a part-time Dual Career Training Programme. The program has two Phases:
The first phase delivered Online that covers most of the program and the second phase is delivered in the University Campus in Morelia Mexico. The program meets the needs and availability of Doctorate students with full-time or part-time jobs, allowing them to combine their careers by obtaining a Ph.D. Students will have the opportunity to gain more experience and knowledge by visiting sites and operations from important industries and projects in Mexico. For more information please contact programs@cinnova.org.
To start the admission process for this program, download the application form by clicking here and submit to admission@cinnova.org
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PhD in Educational Research